The proper way to apply perfume to your body will make a great difference in how you smell.
But why wear perfume?
For me, perfume is more than just a scent, It's an extension of me and my personality.
Fragrances can express who you are and your unique style.
They can also make you feel good and exude positive energy, which can influence how others perceive you.
I am hopeful that this blog post will assist with the practical matter of determining where to apply perfume.
The proper way to apply perfume to your body will make a great difference in how you smell.
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Knowing where and how to apply perfume is crucial because ultimately, we want others to enjoy its fragrance and we also want to relish it ourselves.

Here are some points to help you decide where to spray your favorite perfume on your body:
Before applying perfume you should be fresh and after a shower and not spray perfume
on a sweaty body or that already smells unpleasant because it can create an even greater hazard.
After the shower, you should apply a neutral-scented body lotion so that the moisture will help the perfume stays on the skin longer and it will not evaporate quickly, or apply a scent-matching cream that will double the action of moisture and preserve the scent for longer.
You should avoid mixing different scented creams and perfumes.

Is spraying perfume on clothes a good idea?
Well – if your perfume is not oil-based and you did a test to make sure it does
not stain your garment I believe it to be a really good idea.
So spraying perfume on a garment is something great in my opinion because it can
really be absorbed into the garment and allow you to smell wonderful for many hours.
Of course, for those who do not like to put perfume directly on the body for all sorts of
reasons then dripping a few drops on a scarf or jacket is a great solution.
If you are preparing for a hot romantic date you can perfume lingerie items in the perfume you put on.

So where you should apply perfume to your body to get the maximum results?
Applying perfume to your body- starting from the head:
Perfume your hair –
You can perfume the hair elastic if it is made of fabric and enjoy fragrant hair.
To perfume the hair itself – just spray on the brush or a comb a little bit of your
favorite perfume and then brush the hair.
This gives a uniform distribution of the perfume and is also less concentrated.
You can always use a hair perfume – a product that was created just to perfume your hair –
buy this or buy this hair perfume.
The neck – I think this is the most important place to apply perfume.
People who pass by us smell us, people we hug and kiss will smell us – it will create
a greater effect than other parts of the body.
In the neck, put two fingers at the connection of the jaw and the neck, and then
slide down a little, and when you feel your pulse with your fingers you will know that you are
in the right place.
Let's continue with the head, you should also put perfume behind the ears.
The cleavage – Women and men who want to strengthen the scent,
can use this strategic place and squirt a little there. It gives a sexy and good feeling.
The arms – In the inner part of the arm, place two fingers on the connection of the thumb with the
arm and, slide a little inside.
When you feel a pulse know you are at the right point.
In the inner part of the elbow, right in the crease, you should splash a little from a distance.
If you are wearing a skirt or a garment that exposes legs you can put a little behind the knees,
it is very French to put perfume at this point.
After spraying on the body, you should avoid rubbing the area so you won't ruin the perfume. Let it evaporate slightly and you are set.
We should avoid over-perfuming so as not to cause ourselves, and those around us, a headache or
a feeling of suffocation.
Another tip to always smell good – you should avoid unpleasant odors like sweat in the armpits or bad breath from your mouth, use a good deodorant and have a pack of chewing gum in your bag or mint candy during the day for refreshment.
I also always carry sample-sized bottles of all sorts of perfumes or the perfume
I applied in the morning and renew as needed.

If you ever wondered if perfumes have an expiration date and how long they can last – read this article.
Here you can find a table to help you convert ml to oz.
Well, I hope you enjoyed this and find it useful and now I must love you and leave you.
Sharon -Rachel