Since summer’s already here, it’s time to take some steps to spruce up your look.
After all, you’re wearing lighter clothes and aren’t nearly as covered up as you are in fall and winter.
Be more confident about showing more of your natural assets by taking some simple steps to improve your appearance.
As you read this list of strategies to improve how you look this summer, you might be inspired to take other steps as well!
Disclosure – **This post contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links (with no extra cost to you)
#1 Use over-the-counter teeth whiteners. You’ll find all kinds of teeth whiteners in your local drug and discount stores. And many of them work as well as the $600 treatments your dentist administers.
Be sure to read the product guidelines before using them. Some products only work correctly when used according to the instructions.
You can try these Crest 3D Whitestrips to whiten your teeth.

#2 Smile more often. Speaking of your teeth, why not show them a bit more often by smiling? Remind yourself to do it. When you smile, you’ll feel more content. And that’s in addition to improving how you look! Plus, smiling is contagious.
#3 Get a new haircut. A new haircut can be pretty affordable, you can obtain one of the quickest appearance brighteners possible in 30 minutes. There’s no need to spend a lot of money if you can’t afford it, just go to a shop or salon for a professional cut.
#4 Minimal make-up goes with the season and enables you to enhance your natural beauty.
- Apply a light foundation in a tone that suits you.
- Keep in mind your eyebrows serve to frame your face. Make them noticeable, yet balanced with your other features. Coordinate the color to your skin tone and hair color. Avoid harsh lines.
- Use a bit of mascara, blush, and natural lip color, taking into account the summer season when selecting tones and colors. You’ll look and feel great when you see the results in the mirror.
#5 Just for men: get a professional shave. Consider getting rid of your mustache and beard to change your look for summertime. Also, develop the habit of applying moisturizer to your face. Some moisturizers are made just for men and will reduce the look of lines and facial imperfections.
You’ll be pleasantly surprised by how polished and well-groomed you look. You may even feel like a new man with such a fresh-looking face!
Try this lovely perfume from Michael Malul

#6 Update your look. Buy a shirt or blouse in that trendy color you’re seeing everywhere. No need to go overboard with the spending. Just a new piece or two of clothing can bring you up to date and make you feel happy and on-trend.
#7 Meditate for ten minutes daily. How will this improve your appearance, you ask? Meditation helps you de-stress. And nothing makes your facial muscles relax like not having any stress. Try it and see. Plus, this method is completely free.
If you are at home or at a place where you can meditate with a diffuser next to you, with some essential oils in it, you will have twice the fun.
Be sure to use natural essential oil – if you're not sure what to choose or the differences between fragrance oil and essential oil – read here (you will find some awesome products there as well).
#8 Get the sleep your body needs. Most adults have an internal sensor that tells them how much sleep they need. Use that knowledge to get more rest and improve your appearance. Your eyes will be brighter and there’ll be a spring in your step when you’re well-rested.
I wrote about sleep care a full post and I think it's got some good ideas – so if you are interested in working on that – just click here. Having a good night's sleep is something so important that really has a tremendous effect on our appearance.
#9 Get your clothing ironed out. You probably have a few things you love to wear that would look so much better if they were nicely pressed. Your overall look will take on a polished appearance if your clothes are pressed.
You can also use my all-time favorite ironing spray- Merito, this spray has the best scent and it will leave your clothes smelling amazing.
#10 Tell yourself you look great. If you take a true interest in how you look, you’ll gradually recognize that you’re looking pretty good. Go ahead and say so!
Focus on looking the best you’ve ever looked this summer – and make this journey a way of life for yourself, because I do believe that feeling good starts from outside in.
Put some of these strategies into place to make needed updates to your look.
Show your passion for life by improving your appearance, and you’ll enhance your enthusiasm for all aspects of living.
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Well, I hope you enjoyed this and now I must love you and leave you.
Sharon -Rachel