Hey Guys,
Finally, we are at the end of 2022 and about to start 2023.
This is always a good time to reflect and think about your life and this is exactly what I am doing these days. I count the blessings in my life but also pay attention to the things I want to change, and habits I wish to end (drinking too much coffee..).
I love this time of year since making new decisions gives me hope that I have the power to change my life and that nothing is closed.
These 5 tips I share with you today will definitely be ones I will keep doing in 2023.
Find out how easy it is to make self-care a daily habit, and why that's so important for your holistic wellness.
Here are some of my daily/weekly rituals:
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Luxurious Bath / Shower
So much fun to enter a bath in the evening, soak in the warm water, and let your body relax, right? that is if you have one and you feel fine with using this amount of water when we all know there is a huge problem with water resources in the world.
So for me, it's only showering but on occasion, I do take baths.
I recommend using bath bombs with beautiful scents; they usually have some oils and give you instant moisture. Just sit there and enjoy the water all over your body, the good smell, and the feeling of the oil on your skin. You don't have to think about anything, be in the moment.
While in the bath use this amazing body brush – to help you smooth your skin from an ingrown hair and other bamps we have on the skin.
When you finish soaking be aware that with all the oils you can slip so make sure to get out easily from the tub. you can leave the oils on your skin, tap lightly the access and go to sleep.
If you don't want to wear your PJ with oil on your body then take a quick shower and rinse it with some soap.
To keep pampering put on a lovely perfume, something that you love, not too aggressive that won't budder your sleep.
Here are some I really love – Delicate, great for any age, in the morning for the office or going to bed.
Read this post to learn more about – The Difference Between Fragrance Oil and Essential Oil
Do Something You Realy Love To Do
Once a day take the time to do one thing you really love doing. Something that fills you up with joy.
I love to read books and write here on my blog, but really anything that is enjoyable and fun for you is good. Go to see a movie, walk outside, sit for coffee with a friend, paint, knit, and so on and so forth.
Take the time to be there for yourself and enjoy your life. So easy to say and so hard to do sometimes.
Go Outdoors
Going out for a coffee or to take a walk around your neighborhood or at the park will lift your mood and restore your energy – this is something I love to do to boost my mood, to see that everything is right, the world keeps moving and that things will be o.k. It's by seeing other people, stopping to smell a flower, or just smiling at a random baby that will remind you what's important. I do it all the time.

Practice Skin / Hair Care
I know some of you do it every Sunday, I like to do it every Saturday since this is my rest day.
I will get up, make some coffee, watch some youtube videos about skincare from my favorite Youtubers, get some inspiration, and start my routine.
I love to do a wide skin and hair care routine on Saturday because I have the time, I don't need to run outside and start my day.
I usually wash my face with some warm water, clean it with a facial wash, do a nice massage with my fingers (I am not using anything fancy), and apply a mask for extra cleaning of the skin.
When it's time to wash it I will use some water to rinse it off of my face.
Depending on the condition of my face at the moment I will decide whether I want to exfoliate and I will use a peeling of some sort to do it.
I finish everything with a good serum and some moisture cream and feel like a new refreshed woman.

I feel it is so important to take some time to take care of yourself because life can be hard, news about wars around the world, horrible things happening to people that upset us, and other everyday things people need to deal with like money issues, health problems, and more.
Making sure to take the time to treat yourself nicely will make you happier, and calmer, like a 'new person'.
Yes, while you might think this is just some putting on some creams and lotions, it is more.
It's alone time with yourself, time to examine your face, and your skin, and nurture it.
I am very passionate about skincare and follow these YouTubers that I think have the best tips and advice about skincare: Dr. Shereene Idriss, Dr. Dray, and The Budget Dermatologist.

Play With Your Pet
I have 4 cats which I love dearly.
Although it can be hard sometimes to clean and take care of them it fills me up with joy to do it.
Playing with them, petting them, and kissing them is fun and makes me happy. I feel blessed to have them in my life and I wait for our time together every day.

Related posts about self-care you should read:
If you want to know – How to smell good every day? read my surprising post.
This was a big trend back in 2021 but it is always good to know how to – Sleep Care
The environment we live in has a huge impact on our mood and well-being – if you need some ideas on how to arrange your home and life to get some peace of mind – read here.
Keep reading – my latest post:
- Cinnamon Vs. Vanilla: Which Gourmand Note Is Better In Perfume?
- How to Make Your Home Smell Good: an Expert Guide
- Why You Must Have A Signature Scent
- Announcement: Massive Sale Begins Tomorrow
- Vanilla Perfumes – Why Do We Love Them So Much?
Well, I hope you enjoyed this and now I must love you and leave you.
Sharon -Rachel